Putting her in this position does create a space for fair comment on her role and behavior at the hearings, much like political wives who campaign for their husbands. 她的这个位置在听证会里确实创造了一个相对公平的舆论气氛,就好像政客的妻子们为他们的丈夫在选战中助威一样。
A lot of fans complain that they're disconnected from players nowadays and that's probably a fair comment. 很多球迷抱怨现在和球员的距离太远,也许这是事实。
Fair comment permits good-faith criticism of individuals involved in matters of public concern, provided it is based on facts that are truthfully stated or otherwise privileged. 另外,只要是基于如实阐明的或受保护的事实,新闻工作者有权发表公正评论,对卷入公众所关注的事务中的人物提出诚意的批评。
Please use conscience, fair comment! 请用良心,公正评论!
He was too wise to be imposed upon by fair words spoken without sincerity. It's less characteristic than your comment on it which is perfectly insincere. 他人极聪明,毫无诚意的花言巧语骗不了他。这句注脚更富有你的特色,那就是毫无诚意。
That's a fair comment. 那是公正的评价。
The thesis summarizes the three patterns of net-mediated communication of commentary, discussing the crisis of information environment caused by the communication, and suggests to establish fair comment as a key ethical rule during net-mediated communication of commentary. 本文概括了网络言论信息传播的三种形态,论述了网络言论传播引起的信息生态危机,探讨在互联网上建立网络言论信息传播的核心伦理准则&公正评论。
The Legal Standard for Fair Use of Digital Intellectual Right in Libraries& Comment on the Seventh Clause of Protective Regulations for Information Propagating Right on Network 数字著作权合理使用的图书馆规范&《信息网络传播权保护条例》第七条评析
The impact of Nietzsche's aesthetics on contemporary is so great that we must give an impersonal fair comment and establish its rational historical position. 尼采美学在现代美学领域影响巨大,为20世纪人文美学提供了思想氛围和建基源泉,开非理性主义美学思潮的先河。因此,应对尼采美学作出客观公正的评价,确立其应有的历史地位。
Secondly, fair comment, the comment must be just, the subjective opinion of critics must be impartial in position, not start from favoritism or satire. 公正评论,评论必须是公正的,评论者的主观意见应立场公正,而非出于偏袒或者讽刺。
The ending section, which is combined with the acceptance of this poet, aims to present a fair and just comment on his influence and his position in the history of literature. 结语部分结合赵执信的文学接受情况,力图对其在文学史上的地位和影响作出客观公允的评价。
On the base of grasping the theme properly and deeper study, people should make a relative fair comment about this novel, and excavate deeper its value. 在准确把握其思想主旨的基础上,通过进一步的研究,人们应该对它作出一个相对公允的评价,并由此对其价值进行更深层次的挖掘。